Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We serve a great GOD

Today the weather has been pretty bad; it has rained non-stopped for the 4 hours we were opened. It wasn't just natural rain, which came down; the rain of the Holy Spirit came into Genesis today. We had the privilege of helping a pilgrim from Uganda in Africa, who had missed his flight to Sydney. He came in confused and disorientated. We spent an hour with him trying to find out his journey and what had happened. Once we found out he was heading to Sydney for world youth day, We contacted Qantas to see if we could re-schedule his flight, and made a phone call to international flights HQ, and before to long he was booked on a flight to leave Perth tonight, in time for him to join in with all the festivities in Sydney.

God’s spirit rained down when he got up to leave, he said "I will pray for you guys, I will pray that God keeps you strong in your job, and I have thanked God already for sending you in my path to help me. How good is our God". Immediately all the staff where touched by God’s spirit.

After this was said and he finished giving all the staff a hug, I think most of the staff was really in tears. Today we experienced God breathing his fresh spirit on us today. We thank God that all worked out for this young man today, and that he always takes care of us even when we are in need. We do serve a great God.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hi all

Hi all.
Currently I am on holidays, hence the big gaps in blogs. I apologise for this. Seeing it is a Genesis blog, I don't normally want to say to much about what is happening to in mylife, I just want it to be a blog spot where you can have first hand experience of all the good things God is doing at the Genesis centre.
What I will say, is that Iwent to a church service tonight and the pastor spoke about us all having a story to tell. When we come into a relationship with God and ask the Holy Spirit into our lives, they are transformed forever. He then went on to say that we all have a story to tell. I have a lot of stories about Genesis. But more importantly we each have individual stories about how God is working in our lives. We have a powerful story to tell about Jesus Christ, which can change peoples' lives forever. How great is our God.
The support for this blog has been gathering. I ask that you pray for the workers and volunteers at Genesis this week, as they are 3 workers down and the work load will be much heavier for them. I pray that God's protection keeps them safe and that there will be lives transformed through the work they do this week.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Creating Culture

Sorry for the lapse in posts over the past week, I have been in adelaide for 3 days of last week and for 3 days this week our internet has been down at work, so it has made it very difficult to post on the blog. Thankyou all for your support.
We want Genesis to be a place where people from all walks of life encounter God and experience his character through the staff and volunteers who work at the Centre.

At Genesis we want to cultivate a culture of celebrating victories. Working on the front line doesn’t always have positive experiences but in learning to celebrate our victories and as a team encourage each other through our Genesis history book, positive emails and letters and throwing out the critical ones after they have been dealt with… this keeps us healthy and encourages us to keep moving forward.

We can’t sit back waiting for “Holy Spirit fairy dust’ to magically change the culture of our Centre. We need to lead – to intentionally shift the culture to one of passion, faith and grace. Of course we take into consideration the socio-economic and community factors, but this doesn’t change the fact that the ultimate responsibility for creating a powerful culture lies with the team.

One thing we are constantly made aware of at our Centre is that people don’t quote the Bible….they quote you! They mimic your behavior, speech, body language, sense-of-humour and attitudes because you are their teacher. In a perfect world these people would take their cues in life directly from the Holy Spirit….but this isn’t a perfect world so they follow you! And in doing so, you create CULTURE.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Broken wheel chair

Well were do I start? What a week it has been at Genesis.

Today was the end of a long journey, which started Tuesday this week. We have a 85 year old who frequents the centre and on Tuesday he walked from his home to Genesis. To put this in perspective it would take me 5 minutes to walk this distance. It would have taken him 30 to 45 minutes to walk this distance. He came to tell us that his motorised wheel chair had broken. I have never seen this guy so lost and so sad in the time he has come to the centre.

I don’t know if you understand what it is like to be with out your mode of transport for 4 days? But for him it was not just a mode of transport it was what his life revolved around. After looking at the wheel chair we decided it needed to be fixed. For 3 days he walked from home to genesis and after we shut we dropped him of home.

But, there is good news. Today we went to pick the wheel chair up, it had 4 new tires, new battery and charger, a new basket on the front and a cover to stop it from getting wet. When I drove it into Genesis he was so happy. His face had joy written all on it. All week he had not been able to do any shopping, the first thing he said to me was "thankyou very much" then he said " now I am of to buy some bananas". We thank the scooter shop for fixing his wheel chair.
We thank God that over this week he has kept this man safe.
We also thank God that his wheelchair is now fixed and working better then ever.
We also send out a special thanks to Perth Family Support centre, for helping with 50% of the cost involved for fixing the chair.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good news

For many years one of our friends at Genesis has been living in her home. Over this period of time she has struggled to get a person to come and do some maintenance on her house. With deteriorating taps, fly screens and fans, her house was becoming a bit of a hassle. One of the workers at Genesis made one phone call expressing these concerns last week.

Today we had some good news, our friend called up and said all maintenance had been completed and everything was working well.

We don’t know why after many years of this person trying to get stuff done, it only takes a phone call from a caseworker to get something done. All we do is thank God that all is working well now at her house.

Matthew 7:7-8
Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you. 8. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be open.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Feed back

Hi to all who read this blog.
It has now been 2 weeks since I started this blog and during this time we have had so much success in people’s lives through the centre. I thank all those who have prayed for all the staff and clients at Genesis.

I am just wanting a little feedback from those who read this blog frequently on whether it is worth continuing? You can give feedback by writing on the comments page or send me an email steven_freind@hotmail.com.

Look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Thanks again for all your support.
God bless.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lending a helping hand

Just before lunch today I was getting ready to take all the food down to the park. At this point I still did not have any volunteer organised to come and help me give out the lunches. As I was walking back inside I was thinking who could I get to come and help? Then I heard a young guy only 17 ask me if I needed a hand with lunch. He came down to help me with lunch; I was able to have a really good conversation with him about what he would like to do with his life. I really enjoyed the time spent with this person and will hopefully have the opportunity to catch up weekly for a chat. I thanked him very much for helping me with lunch; he replied,
"I can tell my mum that today I was able to help the Salvos give out lunch".
It made me think yet again "how great is our God". It amazes me how often we need something and God seems to put someone or something in our path to make things a lot easier or more helpful for the task at hand.
Numbers 6:24-26
May the Lord bless you and keep you: the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you: the Lord turn his face toward you and and give you peace.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What Would Jesus Do?

Today at Genesis, a lady we had been helping into accommodation came back thanking us for the work we had done to allow her to move forward with her life. She bought us some flowers and some Chocolates, and I love chocolates. We don’t expect anything in return for the help we give people, but it is good to know that the work God has us doing through this centre is empowering people in the community to live happier and more thoughtful lives.

It got me thinking how we always need to try and be like Jesus, because we may only say one thing but this one thing could change the outlook on a person’s life. We need to speak words, which Jesus would have said and we need to act how Jesus would have acted when he was walking the earth. I know none of us are perfect, but it is a great aim to work towards.

No matter what confronts us in life or what situations comes across our path, I think we need to think as the armband says.

What Would Jesus Do?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Working together

Today was a good day. We have been working on connecting a family into a local Salvation Army. Today when this family was in need, we were able to contact the church and between them and us we were able to have a healthy outcome.

Unfortunately one of our great friends at Genesis received some bad news this week that her daughter passed away suddenly. This has been a tough time for all involved. We have been able to organise an officer to do the funeral and people from a local Salvation Army have been able to support her through this time. We keep her in our prayers everyday, and I ask that you pray for this person as well.

In the Salvation Army we are all about doing things as a team. I love the fact that as a big organisation we are privileged to be united for the one cause, and that is winning souls for Jesus Christ.

1 Chronicles 28:20
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished".

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ten Little Salvos

  • Ten little Salvos, standing in a line, one disliked the officer, then there were nine.
  • Nine little Salvos stayed up wery late, one slept in on a Sunday, then there were eight.
  • Eight little Salvos on their way to heaven, one took his own road, the there were seven.
  • Seven little Salvos chirping like some chicks, one disliked the songster leader, then there were six.
  • Six little Salvos seemed very much alive, but one lost his interest then there were five.
  • Five little Salvos pulling for heavens shore, but one stopped to rest, then there were four.
  • four little Salvos, busy as a bee, one got her feelings hurt, then there were three.
  • Three little Salvos knew not what to do, one couldn't forgive another, then there were two.
  • Two earnest Salvos, each won one more, that doubled the number, then there were four.
  • Four sincere Salvos worked early and worked late, each won another, then there were eight.
  • Eight splended Salvos, if they doubled as before, in just a few short weeks, we'd have 1024

Our forefather had a vision to change the world one soul at a time. Although at times it may seem hard to believe- it can still be done (Written by a Captain of the Salvation Army)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Transforming Lives

Today God's power worked in our place once again. We had a guy come in who we have been working with for a while. To cut a long story short, through conversation he made a recommitment to God and he also made a commitment to go back into re-hab. We thank God for his transforming power, and his spirit, which changes people.

We have had another great week at Genesis, and we thank God for the many great things he has done in this place.

Thank you all who read this for your support. I ask that you keep Genesis in your prayers. I ask that you also pray that lives continue to be transformed as all the workers at Genesis serve our great GOD.

Philippians 3-21/4-1 says
Who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. 4-1 Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends.

POO at the front door

Today we had the privilege of coming to work and having dog poo out the front of our place. Looking at the mess it made it would of been stepped in by a few different people. Bev and our new councillor Stephen had the privilege of cleaning this mess up.

It made me think about how Life can get so busy that the last thing we think about at the end of the day is GOD. Everything we do we need to focus on God. In ministry we need to dedicate each day to God and thank God for the blessing which come our way daily. Ministry is also about servant hood (cleaning poo out the front door ;-).

We can have so much clutter going on in our lives that we grow apart from God, and forget to spend time listening to what God has to say. I have been challenged in recent days to spend time just BEING. I do this by just being quiet and centreing my mind to focus on what God has to say.

My prayer for you is that you can spend time daily just being and listening to what God has to say to us.

Psalm 46-10 says
"Be still, and know that i am God".

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Are the government doing the right thing?

We had an organisation in today employed by the Government (Kevin Rudd). They are in the process of collecting information from all over Australia. This information which is being collected will go into the white paper the Government is doing on Homelessness in Australia.

21 people had the chance to do this survey today and have their say in what they believe homelessness is and what they would like the government to do to eradicate homelessness. I did not have the privilege of sitting in on these sessions, but the response of the two people conducting the survey was very positive.

I think the Salvation Army is in a good place across Australia to have a big impact in eradicating homelessness, and whether you like Kevin or not we need to all be praying that the money Kevin is going to be spending in this area will help people in the grass root services (for example the genesis centre, 614, oasis etc).
I believe in faith that for the first time in my short life here on earth, that the government is finally going to do something about homelessness. We live in hope everyday at Genesis that homelessness will decline as more people become aware of what is going on.
My prayer today comes from
Psalm 121
1I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?
2My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sorry for no post yesterday I had a crook back so I couldn't come into work :-(.

We had some girls from a high school come in today; they are doing a documentary on Genesis for a school media project.
I can't wait to see the finished production.

It amazes me how the work God is doing in this place can even change the hearts of people who have no idea what happens in the homeless community.

Bev one of my co-workers had a great opportunity to talk God with these three young teens, through this we are praying that soon they will come to have a direct relationship with our saviour.
Bev said "one of the girls said to her that she had only thought of poverty as something which happens in third world countries. She never thought of it as something which happens in Australia let alone 5 kms from where she goes to school".

Praise God for all the good things, which are happening at the genesis centre.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-1413 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today at Genesis we had a women come in with a 6-week year old puppy, "he was so cute". I wanted to take him home. She was so happy just to have a companion/friend. It reminded me that God sent his son for us, so we can have a direct relationship with God.

It is wonderful that their are many creatures on this planet which remind us of Gods abundant love. I prayed for this lady today that she would find Gods love and that she could realise that God loves and cares for her as much as she loves and cares for her puppy.

John 3:16 (from the msg)
"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his son, his one and only son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him anyone can have a whole and lasting life

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A New Beginning

In the first book of the bible "Genesis" it talks about a new beginning. This is what the Genesis centre was created for. All the workers at the Genesis centre believe their is a God and believe that their is a God who gives people second chances and a "NEW BEGINNING".

This blog which has been created will hopefully give people a insight into the work which we do at the centre. The blogs will not always be from me they will be from all staff at the Genesis centre. If anyone would like more information please feel free to email me, steven_freind@hotmail.com .

3 And God said, "Let There be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness "night," and there was evening and there was morning.